星期日, 十二月 18, 2016

Forward to PSLE Chinese 2017 step 3 Time is your friend!

Time is your best friend if you let it work for you.

By this step you have Identitied 3 things:-

A) Goal: Do your child want to get an A or a B or Just a pass?
B) Workload: How much to study to get the Goal?
If your child is lacking in Primary 4, its about 1000 words to pass and 1500 words to get an A.
If your child did not do well in primary 5, its about 600 words to pass and about 1000 words to get an A.
If your child has been doing well in primary 5, then your child needs to revise every thing at least once and learn new words fast by reading compositions from China primary 4-6 child or reading secondary 1-3 compositions.
As the new Oral format requires some news knowledge about Singapore and local cultures, its best to listen and watch Channel 8 News video often.
Here is the link.

Take an Example: Traffic accidents involving Motorist has been on the rise.

Now you go thought the video with your child, then ask them to firstly tell you the moral of the video, which is there had been a rise in traffic accidents involving motorists.

Secondly you asked them to outline the 3 reasons for the rise in motorist accidents.
Then you can asked them if they are the motorist, or the car driver or the the road user, what would they do on the road to be safe.
If you want to analyse your child's performance you could record your child's answer on video and analyse their performance.

There are 4 things to measure in an oral conversation:-

1) The language usage, is your child using the correct words and phrases to express themselves and are they using idioms and other more sophisticated way to express themselves. That is they are using not just simple grammatically correct sentences.
2) Your child should be able to correctly identify the theme or moral of the story accurately, take a stand and stand up to their viewpoints with reasons.
Yes students who took 2 sides of the stand and students who cannot make a stand are not doing well here.
Your child must have a stand.
3) Your child should be able to do some simple reasoning for his/her stand. 2 to 3 reason to support their stand will help a lot.
4) Your child needs to relate a story and tell the story well with
a) expressions
b) emotions
c) idioms and phrases
d) and proper pronunciation.

4) Proper courtesy are essential like asking to be seated, smile at examiners, looks calm and polite, maintain some eye contact.

Do watch a video on Singapore affairs that are local and directly related to a student everyday and practice the above answering method.

Another new item is the simple letter writing segment.
There are some thing to look out for.
Firstly, the points are directly given in the notice or note, Do not fabricate facts.
Secondly, do write down the details as most marks are quite minor as every point is like 0.5 marks, so take care of the details and write them in.
Thirdly, Most questions is about the 5 w and 1 H so figure out them quickly will help with your answer a lot.

5W1H :Who,Where,When,What,Why and How.

Do take a look at all the Notes, Advertisements and Notices every where in your surrounds and learn to understand their word usage etc.

6月30日:(要买要快!)教总会员特惠: 预购杜莎夫人蜡像馆(MADAME TUSSAUDS)门票

广受大家欢迎的景点会员团体特价购票活动又来了!今年的景点是杜莎夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussauds)。成人票公定价是一张39元,现在仅售19元,等于是省了20元(51%的折扣)!您可以在开票后的六个月内的任何一天(包括周末在内)和家人或朋友一起去参观!因此买越多、省越多!

杜莎夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussauds)特惠票价如下:
成人票价          会员特价$19 (原价: $39)
儿童票价(3-12岁)  会员特价$14 (原价: $29)
乐龄票价(60岁以上) 会员特价$14 (原价: $30)
而这个特惠仅限教总会员,若您的同事或朋友还不是教总会员,却希望购买这些优惠门票,那么就请他们联系我们,马上加入教总,就可以享有这个特惠。入会表格也可以在教总网站www.sctu.org.sg下载。若还有任何疑问,我们欢迎您电邮sctu@ntuc.org.sg 或致电6744 3191,我们亲切友善的行政同仁将乐意为您服务。

C) Plan you childs Daily activities and Add 30 minutes to 2 hours everyday to do just Chinese work.

There are just 4 types of work daily
1) Word recognition and quick spelling of primary 4 to 6 words and phrases.
2) Reading, Reciting Very good Compositions and memorizing them paragraphs by paragraphs.  
3) Listening and watching Channel 8 news that are local and current. parents should try to let them tell you what did they watched and why such things happened.
4) Record down your child reading the textbook chapters, one at a time.

Good luck parents and children for your PSLE!