星期六, 九月 21, 2019

How one student followed my 3 milestone plan to pass his PSLE Chinese in 1 years.

Is Chinese really important in PSLE 2020?
Yes. we all know that PSLE 2020 is still using the average graded T-score so your subject results will be compared to the whole batch of students taking PSLE 2020 and your T-score will be moderated against the overall result of the whole batch of students. so if your one subject fail, your T score will drop a lot.
Since I do not have the overall scores for each subjects of all the students in 2020, i will use an estimated T-score formula to calculate your children's T-score to show my point.

Estimated T-score without knowing every subjects mean result = sum of subjects result x 0.75

If you have all subjects 90 marks, your estimated T-score is 270. What if your Chinese just pass by 50 marks,you will get estimated 240 and you could still apply for good schools but if you score 270 you could go any schools you want. This happens with any decrease in scores for any subjects involved.

Therefore we can conclude that Chinese is very important in your PSLE result so every subject is important in PSLE.

Why Chinese and not other subjects?
Because Chinese is a second language and its only used in school for 6-7 hours out of 60 hours in a normal week. That's about 10% of the school week teaching time.  The environment for studying Chinese in School as experienced by my students are quite negative, either the teachers have a lot to say but none of it is on study methods, or schools may prescribe study material yet nothing is said about what are the most important skills to master from those material. So most of the time, you can imagine every student is essentially going a up hill battle to master Chinese. 

However, Chinese is not hard to master at all (You need to know that the level of knowledge of Chinese has been altered to match that of the present day students) and one need to study it using strategies to maximize learning effectiveness. However you would see a lot of students study Chinese with pure determination or just plain give up. Not many students could figure out a way to study Chinese easily.

Why the 3 milestone plan worked?
The 3 milestone plan are very easy to monitor, very easy to follow and very easy to practice. The method build 2 things in the character of a student: Habits and progression. This is like a game where students know their status and results everyday. So if one student lacks progress. It could be easily caused by 2 things, either the student broke their good habits and develop bad ones, or the student is not effective in their study method or in other words the study method may not suit the students learning method.

How to tackle the PSLE Chinese Paper?
PSLE Chinese has 4 papers namely
Paper 1: Composition (picture composition or topic composition)
Paper 2: written paper which are divided into 2 sections, section A is to focus on words and sentences. Section B is to focus on comprehension.
Paper 3 is Listening Comprehension which your suppose to focus on listening and note some basic understanding.
Paper 4 is the oral paper which your suppose to focus on reading with emotion and speaking with confidence. Of course you would need to familiarize the students with words, phrases and sentences that are commonly used in certain topics.
Every paper requires some knowledge and some tactics to study them. This part could be up to the school teachers or parents.

There is 3 things to know in this method:
1) Score 50/50 for paper 2 section A.
2) Score 22/40 for paper 2 section B comprehension.
3) Score 32/40 for composition.
When you achieved the 3 milestones, you got 104 out of the 200 marks.
This excludes how well you score for oral and listening comprehension.

How long will results show?
Well, results only show when students do there tasks everyday for a certain duration.

I have a student who almost passed till primary 6 SA1 and he studied diligently for 1 year, then he passed his preliminary examination!

Will my child be suited for this method?
Maybe you should ask yourself 3 questions?
1) Will my child do his assigned task everyday without fail?
2) Will my child think that they deserved better results if they worked for it?
3) Will your child be motivated to do more everyday?
If your child says no to more than 1 questions then you need to motivate your child in the correct direction. I can show your child the way, but I cannot walk the path for him!

Lastly, every book on the shelves teach some sort of method to study, what I teach is very personal and its custom made for your child as I believe every child is different, so it is impossible to have one method that fits every child.

SMS or Whatsapp 9479  zero 187 with your name and your child's level for a free chat.
(Do Not Call as I do not answer unfamiliar calls. Thank You.)
Thank you for reading!

星期一, 七月 15, 2019

psle oral chinese practice 1


















星期二, 六月 11, 2019

How to study effectively for your PSLE Chinese

Your study method almost determine your result. If you are not performing, then you need to rethink your study methods and refine them.

1) Your Environment matters
Every day study at the same place, same time, and same setting. Set up your study table with nothing except your necessary materials. That's right keep everything that distract you out of sight, and learn to be focus.

Top distractions include Hand phone, music etc. So keep focused and set yourself
 up to success.

2) Plan out your study schedule, space out different subjects, keep breaks in between study sessions. And keep to your own schedule.

3) Record your marks down for every section of test paper to track improvement and progress

4) Find out your objective to study, put it in words and print out, then paste on your wall.

5) Listen in class and take good notes, notes need to help you study, not repeat teachers words.

6) Revise your notes always. keep a habit of reading your own notes everyday.

7) Keep a record of assignments on a piece of paper or take hand phone notes on assignments.

Then you need to keep a study mindset.

You need to know that you study to learn, not for something else like results etc.

Now these are ways to help improve your study mindset:

  • Aim to think positively when you study, and remind yourself of your skills and abilities.
  • Avoid catastrophic thinking. Instead of thinking, “I’m a mess, I’ll never have enough time to study for this exam,” look at it like, “I may be a little late to study as much as I’d like, but since I’m doing it now, I’ll get most of it done.”
  • Avoid absolute thinking. Instead of thinking “I always mess things up,” the more objective view is, “I didn’t do so well that time, what can I do to improve?”
  • Avoid comparing yourself with others, because you usually just end up feeling bad about yourself. Your skills and abilities are unique to you, and you alone.

And lastly you need to be aware of your objective!

What is your objective?
How are you doing now?
How to bridge the gap from now to your objective?

Write down 1 objective


Now does that make you happy?



So is your objective spark joy?

If yes, choose that objective, else choose a new objective.

Why, because if you objective does not make you happy, it will not make you happy.

Good luck.

星期三, 四月 24, 2019

PSLE Chinese Oral Topics

Every year PSLE Oral test pupils for their spoken Chinese language, and I do collect those oral topics but they are not complete yet.

PSLE Chinese Oral from 2017 to 2018

2017 Day 1
(Neighborhood Relationship)

Neighbors placing obstacles along the corridor
Keeping school corridor clean

Day 2
(户外活动 Outdoors Activities)

Video showed the characters riding bicycle, blowing bubbles, having pinic.
What are the advantages of outdoor activities
Should Schools encourage students to carry out outdoor activities (+ why/why not)

Year 2018
Day 1
 (Seeking help/Learning from friends)
- What would you do if you are the boy (facing difficulties with his work)?
- Do you think friends are the best/good source of help/learning? Why?
- Give examples of how friends can help each other? 
- How would you react when your friend points out your mistakes/weaknesses you?
- Share an experience in which you learnt from your friend.

3. 在课室里,你能怎么帮助同学?

4. 你希望同学怎么帮助你?

5. 你还能怎么帮助别人?你需要注意些什么?

6. 你赞同朋友之间互相学习是最好的学习方法吗

Day 2
{Library rules)

1. 几名男学生在图书馆里吃零食、喝饮料

2. 图书馆管理员上前提醒学生们不能在图书馆里饮食

3. 男学生们立即把食物和饮料收起来。继续看漫画书、哈哈大笑、聊了起来

4. 女学生们在图书馆里复习功课,男学生在那里吵闹,女生们感到很恼怒

5. 女学生走到图书馆管理员面前投诉男学生

6. 管理员上前提醒学生们要保持安静

1. 如果你是那两个男生,你会有什么感受?

2. 你的学校图书馆有什么规则?

3. 你的学校图书馆是怎么确保大家都遵守规则的?

4. 如果你是那两个男生,经过这件事后,你会在图书馆里遵守规则吗
Good luck......

星期二, 一月 15, 2019

How to score well for your PSLE by planning well! (2019)

I'm the author of above book!
Step by step 1

What school and/or t-score do you want? (Give me a number!)

T-Score I desire: __________(a)

reference points

  1. <=120 : Normal Technical course -----> ITE-----> NITEC cert
  2. 120-180 : Normal (academy) ---->ITE/Poly ----> NITEC cert/Diploma
  3. 180-240 : Express ------> JC/Poly -----> University
  4. 240-   : IP/Express ------> JC/Poly -----> University
Step by step 2

Subject tscore needed is tscore for school*1/3.

English/Chinese/Math/Sci average score:  __________[(b)=(a)/3]

Eg, if you want 240 then each subject need 240/3=80 points.

Step by step 3

List down your P5 SA2 results.
Eg, EL:80, CL:70, Math:70, Science:50

English : __________
MT       : __________
Math     : __________
Science : __________
*Note, all results are based on 100%.

Step by step 4
Compare P5 SA2 to Subject t-score needed to for desired T-score.
                  P5 SA2(c)        Desired Tscore(b)        Gap (c)-(b)[see below]
English : __________         __________            __________
MT       : __________          __________            __________
Math     : __________          __________            __________
Science : __________          __________            __________

Step by step 5
Determine the gap between desired results and current SA5 marks.

Step by step 6
Plan a 9 months study program for each subject with study+revision etc

Step by step 7
Use SA1,Prelim 2019 to check progress. Always check number too.

Good luck, if you want me to review your child's progress for 2 hours SMS or Whatsapp Mr Tan at 9479 zero 1 eight 7. Thank you.

2019 No Examination for Primary 1,2 and No Mid year examination for Secondary 1 in Singapore.

Primary 1 and 2 will have NO Examinations for whole year! but your learning behavior and holistic results will be in report book! While Secondary 1 will have no mid year examination.
And for all parents,
"Even with the changes, the ministry noted that "academic excellence is still relevant as it remains an important part of the holistic development of the student". That is why individual subject marks are still reflected though there are slight modifications, it added."

refer to 

星期五, 一月 04, 2019

中一快捷华文课程 by 王老师






















