星期六, 五月 20, 2017

PSLE Chinese guide 1: How to score in Chinese Compositions

How to write a simple Chinese composition for your PSLE and ace your composition tests. Yes, good essays do not really need a lot of fanciful phrases and plenty of bombastic wordings.  What your child needs is really a working vocabulary of useful words and phrases acquired via reading and listening, and a good sense of Chinese grammatical structure.

1) Read and remember
Reading and memorization of texts are the basic tenet of good compositions, you do not teach your child something they have not read before. Let them read a best graded composition. Do not think like a failure and question the ability of your child, saying, "they cannot comprehend such a difficult essay. why not choose a simple one?" The reason to choose a best graded composition is to provide your child with good vocabulary, good grammar and a good sense of the Chinese language. The best graded composition provides a role model whereby your child can learn from the best. If you choose a simple and easy composition, your child will not learn much at all.

then test them if they can recite the sentences one by one. Yes, do one sentence by one sentence. Until your child completed the last sentence. Read and recite repeatedly help your child build up mental power to handle Chinese language quickly.

Then test your child's comprehension by asking them to repeat the main story line to you and ask them tell you what they like/dislike about the story. Make sure they tell you at least 4-5 sentences long. anything shorter, you have to ask them add contents relevant to the discussion.

When one completes about 10 stories, he has build up a big stash of vocabulary words and phrases ready for the next examination, not only in paper 1, those are useful in paper 2 and oral too.

2)   Write and practice

After reading, the next step is actually to find a composition and rewrite using your child's word and phrases as much as possible. There may be people who insist on not writing as they argue that there is no need to write at all when one can just think up a story. Let me ask you, if you had not practice riding a bike, would you be riding a bike now? Most properly no. We learn by practice, that's why you need to practice driving on a car and not rely simply on the theory tests.

However, parents you need to know that, writing is often the most difficult step to take for any child, so please do point out the good parts for the first 10 to 20 passages. you do not have to limit topic or words, Just let your child write something or anything for a week daily.

Prepare a writing pad and just make sure everyday your child writes something.

As your child are getting used to writing daily, then you start to point out little errors. Do not start the blame game, just tell your child your observation and let your child decide what to do. It may seems like you have lost of control, but as parents you must understand that building confidence in writing is a slow process, and control may just kill the interest.

The second thing about this practice, other to build confidence in writing, is to create a habit. Habits are just a daily repentance of some things that had to be done.

When you looked at graded composition, you will see 3 columns:

Content:       /20

This would be graded according to the details provided, how well the bridge between pictures connect and the relevant of the words to depict the pictures.

Structure:        /20

Structure would be the graded according to the fluency of the language, the presence of grammar mistakes and the completeness of the paragraph written. Overall the essay must be cohesive and purposeful.

The total mark is a sum of content and structure.       /40

 Good luck

I am a ex school teacher who have taught more than 10 years in schools. I have coached children from just failed in primary 3 to A in PSLE, O levels and A levels. He is in NS now and going to NUS.

If you are interested, please email Mr Tan at mrtansg AT mrtansg.com.