星期二, 三月 21, 2017

the road to PSLE 2017 : What are the most important yet not urgent things to improve your T score?

Important yet not urgent things are the most important things to do to improve your child's scores in the coming PSLE and yet a lot of parents and children totally missed the point.

First What is T score and How to roughly figure out your child's PSLE T score?

 From pamela, you find a simple formulae to compute your child's T score in minutes

"So how do you estimate the T-score of your child?  

You can do that easily if you can get more than 40 random marks from a school with the same exams (or all the marks in one school). 

 If you key that into an excel spreadsheet, you can pretty much generate the mean and standard deviation. Some schools provide the mean and standard deviation for each subject to parents.  

Do the calculation of the T-score using the formula given above using the mean and s.d.  Repeat that for 4 subjects and viola!  You can get the T-score of your child within that school. 

And since your sample size is greater than 40, is random and is a normal distribution, your chlid's T-score is pretty reflective of his/her T-score for PSLE." 
from https://www.facebook.com/notes/pamela-lim/psle-t-score/249665928428075/ 

Secondly YOU need to understand everyone has urgent or important things to do but you have limited time. So you need to classify those activities and prioritize them.

This is the urgent vs Important Matrix
 And this is the

Eisenhower's Urgent/Important Principle

In a 1954 speech to the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches, former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was quoting Dr J. Roscoe Miller, president of Northwestern University, said: "I have two kinds of problems: the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent." This "Eisenhower Principle" is said to be how he organized his workload and priorities.
He recognized that great time management means being effective as well as efficient. In other words, we must spend our time on things that are important and not just the ones that are urgent. To do this, and to minimize the stress of having too many tight deadlines, we need to understand this distinction:
  • Important activities have an outcome that leads to us achieving our goals, whether these are professional or personal.
  • Urgent activities demand immediate attention, and are usually associated with achieving someone else's goals. They are often the ones we concentrate on and they demand attention because the consequences of not dealing with them are immediate.
When we know which activities are important and which are urgent, we can overcome the natural tendency to focus on unimportant urgent activities, so that we can clear enough time to do what's essential for our success. This is the way we move from "firefighting" into a position where we can grow our businesses and our careers.

1) Important and urgent is where most firefight takes place and it is best avoided by doing the important but not urgent things first.

In PSLE, that would be your studying load, one would need to schedule the load and distribute the study load to different time period so that you can finish them. Some just avoid the pain of studying till the last minute and you would have a very huge study load in a very short time span.........avoid this by spreading out the studying load over a period of time and you will not have important and urgent things.

2) Important but not urgent things are things that help you achieve your goals including learning and planning activities. 

In PSLE that would be planning the study time and study load so that you spread out the study load over time and into manageable chunks of data.

3) Not important and urgent things that stops you from achieving your aims. delegate or reschedule them or outsource them.

Not important and urgent things are your chores, house cleaning or school CCA etc,

4) Not important and not urgent things are your games your leisure activities, during preparation for PSLE, you need to forgo them till PSLE ends.

Three real important things to study for PSLE Chinese is:-

1) Read and reread all the chapters in the textbook everyday. This builds your vocabulary, language sense and recitation skills all at the same time is enjoyable.

If you had trouble reading the texts, go to xuele. choose the level and chapter and they will read the text for you. Go ahead and listen to the texts a few times and start reading along the voice a few times and then you will be able to read a few sentences at a time.

If you are weak in Hanyu PinYin, be sure to include them in the writing.

If you are weak in meaning of words, do check up the dictionary and write down the meaning.

2) Find a composition book and study all the compositions, memorized them and later use the pictures to attempt to write a similiar essay. Then you compare your composition with that of the book and figure out the things that you lack to score.

Common things to help you score in compositions
a) Good phrases and good expressive words 好词佳句
b) achieve 0 wrong words with repeated writing of the spelling list from primary 4 to 6.
c) get 0 grammer mistake by reading all the essays that you can get including the essays in the test papers of the different schools. And try to learn from them by writing similar essays.

As you properly notice....practice and study hard is quite necessary to score A*.

3) Listen to Chinese songs, TV programmes and Radio shows do help in listening skills.

4) Write, write and write a composition everyday, with practice comes results.