星期日, 一月 08, 2012



  1. 一件事 yi2 jian4 shi4: a matter to note.
  2. 庆祝 qing4 zhu4: celebrate.
  3. 衣服 yi1 fu2: clothing.
  4. 比较 bi3 jiao4: compare to.
  5. 幸运 xing4 yun4: lucky.
  6. 哈哈大笑 ha1 ha1 da4 xiao4: laugh out loud.
  7. 弄破 nong4 po4: to break (something).
小五:(9/1/2012 修改后)
  1. 异口同声 yi4 kou3 tong2 sheng1: said the same things together.
  2. 特别 te4 bie2: special
  3. 父母 fu4 mu3: parents.
  4. 容易 rong2 yi4: easy,easily done.


How to study for spelling?

Chinese word have meaning, pictograph and hanyu pinyin.
one need to remember how these 3 elements interact.

Pictograph: lines and curves
Chinese typically has structures. some words are 2 part words like 福。The left side is called the Side Leader. This part is also the left part of the word 神,therefore people relate these words which have the same left part as words of ceremony and rituals.
礼: the religious rituals
祝: to pray

This word is a left-right structure word.

There are some words which have top-bottom stryctures like 笑.
笑's top part is called bamboo header and the bottom part is 夭。
Using picture and imagation, the above picture can help one remember Chinese word faster.

So one can use the following method to study better:
  1. Know the structure of the word
    1. left-right
    2. top-bottom
  2. Use imagination and pictures to create funny pictures help memory.